Can You Cure STDs At Home Yourself Without A Doctor?

Compared with other groups, men who have sex with men run a higher risk of acquiring STIs. Many public health groups recommend annual or more-frequent STI screening for these men. Regular tests for HIV, syphilis, chlamydia and gonorrhea are particularly important. If you need a chlamydia test, your doctor's office can collect samples and perform the testing. It’s important to note that because treatment options are not readily available for positive STD results, you should always be prepared to seek treatment. Also, be prepared to notify any partners of positive results.

They may also not agree with all skin types, so use cautiously and do a small patch test first. If any of them is causing your condition to worsen, stop using that immediately. Herbal remedies in cream or ointment form and homemade diluted herbal baths may be fine to use on your own for topical relief. But speak to your doctor about ingesting any herbs – especially if you are pregnant.

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Echinacea or coneflower has anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce inflammation in the sexual organs. An infusion made using the root of the coneflower can help treat gonorrhea. Having about 10 mg/kg every day for 10 days has been seen to stimulate the immune system. Depending on whether it’s an infection of bacteria, yeast, virus, or parasites, you will need antibiotics or other medicines to manage the infection and its symptoms. Not only are doctors well-experienced in treating STIs, they’re also your best defense against severe and lasting complications that can result from untreated infections. If you have any of the symptoms of a possible STD or UTI, it is advisable to visit a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

can std be treated at home

You can check if your state is unavailable on the list of state restrictions here. If you test positive for a disease that LetsGetChecked can’t provide treatment for, a nurse will walk you through the best next steps. At-home STD tests were reviewed based on value, convenience, and availability of tests. These overall factors are based on data including price, insurance acceptance, comprehensiveness of tests, and how quickly you can get results and speak to a doctor. STD test selections have been screened by’s Medical Review Board.

UTI or STD? How to Tell the Difference

Each agency’s recommendations for who should get screened are summarized below. Haley has a professional and educational background reviewing, transcribing, and curating technical content. Her extensive background in research and analytics contribute to her adept editorial profession. She is currently finishing her Batchelor's of Science through Harvard University Extension with a background in social, environmental, and health studies. Verywell Health content is rigorously reviewed by a team of qualified and experienced fact checkers. Fact checkers review articles for factual accuracy, relevance, and timeliness.

Skin-to-skin contact is the way herpes is passed from one person to the next. Many people with herpes are unaware that they have it because there are no symptoms. Meanwhile, the symptoms are painful sores on the reproductive organs and around the genital area. Sexually transmitted infections, otherwise known as STDs or STIs, are incredibly common. Verywell Health articles are reviewed by board-certified physicians and healthcare professionals.


Samples are checked in a laboratory for evidence of the bacteria, viruses, or parasites that cause STDs. At-home STD testing is a form of screening that requires follow-up testing with a medical professional if test results are positive. Everlywell brings lab testing to your home with its range of at-home testing products. The Everlywell At-Home STD tests provide positive or negative results for the most common sexually transmitted infections.

can std be treated at home

Sexually active people assigned male at birth who have sex with others assigned male at birth may need testing as frequently as every 3 to 6 months. If you think you’ll need help determining results from your at-home test, taking an in-office test may be preferable. It’s an immediate source of information, and an action plan can be created on-site in the case of a positive result. Aside from these, the service sells individual tests for each STD or STI. These allow you to get the answers you need without driving to a lab or spending money on copays to visit a doctor’s office.

They're known as two of the silent STDs as they regularly infect without symptoms. Whilst they have a high rate of infection in both men and women, they carry a higher risk of causing harm to the female reproductive system. Once you return your test to their labs and your samples are processed, you’ll be notified via email that your results are ready.

can std be treated at home

No specific therapy is available for persons with acute hepatitis B; treatment is supportive. Persons with chronic HBV infection should be referred for evaluation to a provider experienced in the management of chronic HBV infection. Yogurt contains lactobacillus strains of probiotics, good bacteria that can boost immune system health.

When to see a doctor

Blueberry leaves have proven antifungal properties.5 It can relieve symptoms of fungal and bacterial infections. You can place a cotton ball soaked in diluted ACV to relieve itching. However, general practitioner Rizza Mira warns that while ACV has good antibacterial properties, it can also be slightly acidic. Some STIs or STDs may cause symptoms that are painful and embarrassing. You may also get general signs that aren’t linked to any specific disease. Sexually active adolescents or adults who are comfortable with telemedicine consultations if they get a positive result.

can std be treated at home

There are several infections transmitted sexually, and the test for each is different. Testing for STDs can get you timely treatment and help your partners. Home testing is available for the human immunodeficiency virus , chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. Testing for 8 common and less common sexually transmitted infections with a blood and urine collection kit.

The most common STIs are syphilis, hepatitis B, gonorrhea, herpes simplex virus, chlamydia, HIV, trichomoniasis, human papillomavirus , Genital warts, and many more. A good at-home STI test provides clear information about what STIs are being tested for. It allows you to get tested for any STI you might be worried about. Many other at-home STI tests will send you to Quest for testing. Quest also offers confirmatory testing for several STIs, which reduces the risk of a false positive.

can std be treated at home

The addition of two extra panels adds a little more peace of mind over the standard Chlamydia or Gonorrhoea tests and isn't too much more expensive for that extra knowledge. Through years of trial and research, specialized drugs have been made to completely eliminate or at least limit these pathogens in their approach. Both antibiotics and antiviral drugs are extremely effective in fending off these pathogens to protect a person from STDs. The problem is that home remedies to cure STDs found all over the internet are just not as effective and sometimes even completely pointless.


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